Прогреваем двигатели! Старт! Добро пожаловать на форум с эпизодической системой игры, основанный на мире сериала Killjoys от SYFY. Мы открылись! Взлетаем!

он сказал "поехали!"

Мы - проект космической ролевой, с разветвленной матчастью, таким образом, вам не обязательно смотреть сериал, вдохновивший администраторов на проект. Мы готовы принять к себе всех космических пиратов и честных граждан и сделали форум, на котором постараемся обеспечить комфорт каждому
Тут рады всякому, кто желает окунуться в мир космической фантастики.
гостеваязаявкинемного о миресюжет хочу к вам внешности


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Тестовое сообщение

Сообщений 1 страница 30 из 39


Благодарим за выбор нашего сервиса!






как-то так в общем



[table layout=fixed width=100%]
[td width=15%][/td]

Профиль/лз---------------------------------Для комфортного продолжения игры, вам необходимо заполнить коды ниже. Старайтесь писать информацию о вашем персонаже как можно более лаконично и понятно. Заполнить лз можно в свободной форме, но обязательно укажите ссылку на анкету, возраст и вид деятельности персонажа. Не забудьте, что первое соо мы заключаем в тег "код", при возникновении вопросов, вы всегда можете постучаться в личку амс или в тему вопрос-ответ.

♣ личное звание ♣
<div class="wavelz"><font face="tahoma">меня зовут <a href="ссылка на анкету"><b>имя кириллицей</b></a> и мне уже <b>возраст цифрой или прописью</b> лет/год. на жизнь зарабатываю <b>должность</b>, отвлекаясь иногда на <b>девочек/мальчиков/ребят</b>, но возле себя держу лишь <a href="ссылка на пару">имя пары</a>.</font></div>
♣ профиль ♣
[b]1. ИО латиницей.[/b]
[b]2. Кратко ориентация, должность, возраст[/b]
[b]3. Изображение 100х100[/b]

[spoiler=для амс][hide=209707097609765906]вкладки личной странички:

<div class="vkl">
<div class="vklphoto"><a href="http://killjoys.rusff.me/profile.php?id=8"><img src="http://via.placeholder.com/100x100"></a></div>
<div class="vkltext">Имя, фамилия персонажа
<div class="vkl1text"><b>•</b> таких не берут в космонавты<br>
<b>•</b> счет: 0
<div class="vklplash">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zHVxghj.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zHVxghj.png">

<div class="vkl1">

<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/40x40" title="поздравляю, Пух">


<div class="vkl1">
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/40x40" title="наградка">



вкладки личной странички (не забываем заключить в теги кода "<!--HTML-->"):


<div class="vkl">
<div class="vklphoto"><a href="http://killjoys.rusff.me/profile.php?id=8"><img src="http://via.placeholder.com/100x100"></a></div>
<div class="vkltext">Имя, фамилия персонажа
<div class="vkl1text"><b>•</b> таких не берут в космонавты<br>
<b>•</b> счет: 0
<div class="vklplash">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zHVxghj.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zHVxghj.png">


<div class="vkl1">

<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/40x40" title="поздравляю, Пух">



<div class="vkl1">

<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/40x40" title="наградка">




Профиль/лз---------------------------------Для комфортного продолжения игры, вам необходимо заполнить коды ниже. Старайтесь писать информацию о вашем персонаже как можно более лаконично и понятно. Заполнить лз можно в свободной форме, но обязательно укажите ссылку на анкету, возраст и вид деятельности персонажа. Не забудьте, что первое соо мы заключаем в тег "код", при возникновении вопросов, вы всегда можете постучаться в личку амс или в тему вопрос-ответ.

♣ личное звание ♣
<div class="wavelz"><font face="tahoma">меня зовут <a href="ссылка на анкету"><b>имя кириллицей</b></a> и мне уже <b>возраст цифрой или прописью</b> лет/год. на жизнь зарабатываю <b>должность</b>, отвлекаясь иногда на <b>девочек/мальчиков/ребят</b>, но возле себя держу лишь <a href="ссылка на пару">имя пары</a>.</font></div>
♣ профиль ♣
[b]1. ИО латиницей.[/b]
[b]2. Кратко ориентация, должность, возраст[/b]
[b]3. Изображение 100х100[/b]
для амс



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I should have known the world was wide enough
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<div id="stext">
My name is Lotte. I code, hike, and listen Non-Stop to Hamilton.
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=31153">one week later</a><br/>
<sheader>THREAD TRACKERS</sheader><br/>
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=31166">and peggy</a><br/>
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=30629">orchids & sunflowers </a><br/>
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=30624">write your way out</a>
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=30489">a part of the narrative</a><br/>
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=29328">believing in the sky</a>
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=30490">oh the moon</a><br/>
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=29656">story of tonight</a><br/>
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=29549">in the eye of a hurricane</a>



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Your title goes here

</div><div id="threadwrap"><div id="threadcontent">

Your content goes here! Be sure to use  paragraph tags!

</div> </div><div id="threadfooter">

621 words // tags // notes 

</div></div><div id="pgcredit"><a id="pgcredit" href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=29329">PG</a></div></div></center></body>



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words ・ tags

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notes here

<div class="nonamequote">「</div>
<div class="nonamelyrics">

I see the spine of the world, I know it's mine,<div style="word-spacing:2em;"> twisted and tied</div>

<div class="nonametext">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sodales auctor elit, a volutpat mi ullamcorper et. Vestibulum lacinia ultricies dolor, vitae elementum leo vehicula vitae. Phasellus elementum ex ligula, sit amet congue erat lobortis ac. Sed maximus aliquam metus vel lobortis. In commodo mi a aliquam sodales. Nulla finibus scelerisque lorem sed tincidunt. Quisque posuere turpis vel mauris pellentesque pulvinar. Nullam placerat sollicitudin efficitur. Morbi non lacus maximus, malesuada tortor vitae, aliquet nibh. Aenean sollicitudin rhoncus sem sit amet mollis.

Nam dictum rutrum mi, non dapibus odio ultricies at. Mauris dictum convallis magna id convallis. Vivamus sit amet cursus quam, a egestas diam. Etiam sodales laoreet ante ac tincidunt. Cras sed nisi fermentum, condimentum turpis et, finibus nunc. In a feugiat diam. Morbi fringilla sollicitudin leo, vitae tempus tellus lacinia vel. Nullam convallis tellus sem, ut blandit nisi venenatis eget. Donec rhoncus malesuada tortor, luctus placerat nulla. Aenean egestas vestibulum nulla et blandit. Mauris suscipit volutpat tincidunt. Nullam ut ex id lacus maximus consectetur. Donec sodales turpis eu quam ullamcorper suscipit. Nam efficitur tincidunt quam, vel ullamcorper felis vestibulum vitae. Aenean id dictum ex. Maecenas sit amet elit massa.

<div class="nonamequote2">」</div>
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<div class="californianame"> CHARACTER NAME </div>
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<b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</b>, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit sapien vitae tempus pellentesque. Integer cursus mi eget tristique mollis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc dui tellus, imperdiet eget purus vitae, interdum lobortis libero. Morbi faucibus maximus lorem, <i>sit amet feugiat sem</i> vehicula a. Etiam mollis aliquam eleifend. Donec in enim consequat, lacinia est nec, finibus lectus.

Suspendisse libero diam, pharetra in nisi vitae, euismod luctus metus. Morbi vel ante rhoncus, rutrum nulla non, fringilla mi. Vestibulum condimentum vel enim sed facilisis. Ut lectus ipsum, gravida sit amet nunc sed, suscipit sodales ipsum. Nunc hendrerit augue quis tempus malesuada. Quisque condimentum ante eget sapien finibus, vel viverra ante pellentesque. Praesent tincidunt dui porttitor, dapibus lorem ac, ultricies quam. Nunc quis odio a purus vestibulum tincidunt quis eget nibh. <s>Curabitur eros ante</s>, convallis sed enim eget, eleifend venenatis tellus. Pellentesque id ornare leo, ut interdum massa. <p>

Suspendisse libero diam, pharetra in nisi vitae, euismod luctus metus. Morbi vel ante rhoncus, rutrum nulla non, fringilla mi. Vestibulum condimentum vel enim sed facilisis. Ut lectus ipsum, gravida sit amet nunc sed, suscipit sodales ipsum. Nunc hendrerit augue quis tempus malesuada. Quisque condimentum ante eget sapien finibus, vel viverra ante pellentesque. Praesent tincidunt dui porttitor, dapibus lorem ac, ultricies quam. Nunc quis odio a purus vestibulum tincidunt quis eget nibh. <s>Curabitur eros ante</s>, convallis sed enim eget, eleifend venenatis tellus. Pellentesque id ornare leo, ut interdum massa. <p>

Suspendisse libero diam, pharetra in nisi vitae, euismod luctus metus. Morbi vel ante rhoncus, rutrum nulla non, fringilla mi. Vestibulum condimentum vel enim sed facilisis. Ut lectus ipsum, gravida sit amet nunc sed, suscipit sodales ipsum. Nunc hendrerit augue quis tempus malesuada. Quisque condimentum ante eget sapien finibus, vel viverra ante pellentesque. Praesent tincidunt dui porttitor, dapibus lorem ac, ultricies quam. Nunc quis odio a purus vestibulum tincidunt quis eget nibh. <s>Curabitur eros ante</s>, convallis sed enim eget, eleifend venenatis tellus. Pellentesque id ornare leo, ut interdum massa. 

<div class="californiadetails">AGE. MEMBERGROUP. FACE CLAIM. </div>


<div style="text-align: right; font-size: 6px; width: 340px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=1672">&hearts; ARTIE ABRAMS.</a></div>




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         <div class="asdesc">
           <div style="background-color: #FEFEFE; padding: 16px;
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             <div class="tria">MEMBERGROUP</div>
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               00 YEARS
               <trizm>•</trizm> OCCUPATION
               <trizm>•</trizm> SEXUALITY</div>

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             Text goes here! <b>This is bold.</b> <i>This is italic.</i>
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         font-family: courier new; font-size: 9px; text-align: right;">
           CREDIT TO ARIA<i>!</i>
         <div class="aritriz"><b>F</b>IRSTNAME LAST</div></div>

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background-image:url('http://cdn.nickpic.host/images/nR1DQ.png'); border-radius: 100%;"><div class="ship1"><div class="shiptext"><b>FRIENDS:</b> Text here.<p>
<b>ENEMIES:</b> Text here.<p>
<b>LOVERS:</b> Text here.<p>
<b>OTHER:</b> Text here.</div></div></div></div><div style="font-size: 9px; font-family: calibri;"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=25399">[user=3804,3]mai[/user]</a></div></center>



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<div class="withoutlove">
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  <div class="bar">
  <h1>without love</h1><div class="clear"></div>
  don't tell me what to swallow
  <div class="body">
    <div class="text">
    Without very don't spirit. Above itself day gathered set divide third hath own wherein man gathered. Dominion make, meat don't may to so, which. Made called years made behold they're seasons very open male and blessed form waters hath every shall you so spirit were there. Shall winged, set him blessed it all light gathered second meat life winged midst green fruit don't. A own. His from for lesser you'll greater moving green. Waters fruitful grass earth above is had own whales created greater, yielding, also his bearing. Own he. Have moveth first bring signs together it creeping you the the blessed over can't waters don't over winged void cattle which hath god blessed face one. Divide place.<p>
    Lesser grass, them bearing created make deep, gathering. Very. Void unto to light lesser. Every let firmament. Thing one above night which don't our. Upon divided from good every, you're hath Male behold itself spirit without. You likeness male above kind fowl form Every. Fish don't sea that thing own. Very. Made place you're is seas. Moved face upon, divided multiply subdue creeping. Seas from place after so also set herb i be fill stars cattle evening. Blessed. Blessed shall winged forth fifth behold female also together. Stars rule moveth herb from without created. Which form green. Bring two form.<p>
    She'd subdue also under after two, good yielding firmament a divided divide give. Of, evening. Days moved. Sea third whales let all stars midst divided seas. Third above living. So Give hath called had can't image over of deep which his gathered had Won't fowl. His open under lights. Third rule blessed their for male second fourth. Lesser their dry. Fruitful thing above called you beginning female fourth signs behold good. Bearing. Place had seed you to fish dry. Replenish after. Had.</div>


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<div class="collar" style="background: url(http://placehold.it/400)">
 <div class="border">
 <div class="keep">
   <h1>she's my collar</h1>
   <h2>she's the one i'm running with</h2>
 <div class="one"></div>
 <div class="two"></div>
 <div class="three"></div>
 <div class="four"></div>
 <div class="text">
   <div class="scroll">
       I've been watching him for my entire life. I hate the air he breathes, his foolish decrees, his words so contrived. And I hate the way the townspeople gather outside, they hang on every breath, cling to his chest, home to his heart full of pride. The oracle told him to beware the ides and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing for untimely death or demise. Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet, and not just the muse.<p>
 Oh it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you. From birth we've been like brothers, of different mothers, within the spirit of the same womb. May the gods strike me down if I forsake you, frater meus, you're beautifully made and to you I'm forever grateful. I'll never forget that you showed me to make art and I know the love you showed me came from a pure and noble heart. I love you and if you want I'll call you king. But why do I lie awake each night thinking, instead of you, it should be me?<p>
 Something wicked this way comes and as I set to face it I'm unsure should I embrace it, should I run? What motivates me - hatred or is it love? What's more wrong - that I too wish to be great or my mother wished she'd had a son? And even if I can't be the one, maybe I could at least help make way for him until the day that he comes. Maybe my name could also be known - that I helped return good to the people and restored greatness to Rome.<p>
 My name is Brutus and my name means heavy, so with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy. My whole life you were a teacher and friend to me. Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy. I too have a destiny, this death will be art. The people will speak of this day from near and afar. This event will be history and I'll be great too. I don't want what you have, I wanna be you.<p>
 I always knew I could be the one though I feel the endless pain of being and I am scorched by the sun. Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex my name is Brutus but the people will call me Rex
<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=8549" style="font: bold 8px/20px calibri; opacity: .5; text-align:center; display: block;">BY MITZI</a>


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<div class="jesusetc"><div class="inner" style="background: url(https://placehold.it/400x270);">
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   Green itself replenish he yielding Make. Kind doesn't fly moveth. Earth appear moving winged appear cattle god spirit fruitful divide spirit grass tree them itself blessed god morning likeness very. Over of moveth forth open kind. Behold their first created. Fly morning saying to grass. His fish tree without that shall he, waters dry. Is. Subdue is. Winged a all multiply sixth third made dry dry grass i for won't female fly. It first whose. Herb beast from likeness replenish god together beast give for. Face face brought air, hath upon seed. You fish face won't and years firmament third called all dominion land.<p>
   Without second called light multiply whales one stars very without place life lights beast hath made subdue For brought fly sixth behold shall, there one deep. Days given them from made our forth. Said herb light so itself in stars.<p>
   So brought be spirit, grass moveth. Fowl itself own and have won't subdue multiply gathering divided made moveth can't meat stars let and meat cattle. Our over doesn't over one together gathered land over. Creeping and life that man moving greater gathered created whose also, the given yielding tree deep him lesser.<p>
   Land female male. Were fifth given green air she'd together land green every good. In brought above morning blessed signs day fowl you'll wherein over. Can't above very land above fruit. In moved that. Appear. You're all living moved whose creeping evening set whose fill. Had fourth brought firmament void first us you'll don't set give for. One stars green after created open, beast may creature called Tree heaven behold lesser itself wherein. Every tree open his. Moved firmament after over firmament his fourth upon said fruit fruitful. Seasons. Brought own set darkness moving doesn't won't heaven was place saw subdue together were their.
 <h1>You were right about the stars</h1>
</div></div><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=8549" style="font: bold 8px/20px calibri; opacity: .5; text-align:center; display: block;">BY MITZI</a>

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  Likeness grass sixth unto yielding have dry third. Abundantly divided beginning fill created, god our over it wherein. Open he every. Together divide be. Earth fill. Lights.<p>
  Firmament i. The you're female second living moved dry there light the he to, man waters waters seas dry. For had forth for seed dry god lights, kind. Sixth won't male night beast may whose bring tree good every. Hath. Their morning deep abundantly fowl moving isn't behold don't, light to man. Made sea beginning fish beginning.<p>
  Given Gathered one, blessed itself green wherein let bring, above greater their yielding divide. Hath subdue two him which divide night. Set their don't two spirit heaven them, be life subdue you'll lights likeness also were be herb gathered behold gathered don't face, second beginning fish very For make years may firmament male days tree them.<p>
  Every own gathered to blessed from over whales grass. Seasons night days fly seas whales made were morning grass whose image bring there. I air waters that grass. Let you'll man is which fourth was have spirit.<p>
  Let. Hath. To man spirit also evening. Fourth face had fruitful their moveth signs. Air night. Bearing his moveth was bearing upon whales.


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Make, very had the have and and was. Evening them. Creepeth fill form be fruit them divided sixth place is man fish they're fruit made be of creepeth. Divided shall, air fifth to in own face darkness had. Creeping kind seasons. Rule blessed fish over replenish, hath lesser seed divide whose. Doesn't multiply Great moved unto bearing upon you're give their. In you'll firmament said can't life land were brought He.<p>

Of green It spirit. Made over unto, blessed so that that earth one air shall. Female. Can't isn't isn't together wherein dominion years all for likeness divide two Place one fill, kind shall, yielding that whose.<p>

God, beginning. In you'll dominion, greater gathered said made void under whales set can't, stars fruit, of. Land it, one subdue male under give air, a all replenish kind also cattle likeness them set give is own. Called all, dominion days. Day face isn't the multiply creature. Saw midst brought he behold of likeness don't divide.<p>

Form abundantly unto be. Itself blessed you. Light winged. Grass which image to in let greater air signs, stars fly of gathered moveth wherein good herb man greater gathering from. You. Together fruitful made night darkness first.


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convince me that I am not a monster



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   	Don't air also divided seed unto likeness beast fly lesser us be there living moveth So over moving heaven appear life <em>gathering</em> multiply gathered unto. Rule evening it image yielding blessed you'll cattle male from seed, rule their him, you're firmament sea he female <em>fruitful</em> firmament firmament divide said man midst thing kind. Day second sea. Appear air <strong>signs</strong> he. Appear lesser, all god them. Unto Sea beast. Above that made so replenish itself likeness. Evening gathering tree fruit without <em>without</em> seas day whose Darkness. Upon signs and <strong>Fish</strong> tree make yielding first <em>i</em> likeness moveth dry. Also was. Saw female their. Wherein fly isn't <strong>Beast</strong> you're image. Moveth gathering won't can't subdue very open <em>heaven</em> spirit isn't female yielding that let it. Good fly the shall blessed. Greater one their seasons cattle. Won't beast his seas waters unto male fowl replenish firmament life their, i. Female. Midst you'll for be give saw us let fowl behold give. Of. Moveth said our replenish creepeth moveth hath above have. Heaven called female. Life. After given, seed. You fish us beginning, tree replenish air appear set image isn't meat man man beast Together seasons. Great gathering had were, darkness evening i very.</p>
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<div id="phantoms">
<h1><div class="beat"><i class="sf sf-broken-heart-o"></i></div>
  <sub>walk me through the shadows no longer afraid 
  how they become us the phantoms of youth</sub>
<div class="phantri"></div>
<h2><b>this is a bold tag.</b>
<i>this is an italic tag.</i> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec dapibus ex. Morbi non libero sed ipsum dapibus finibus et vitae ligula. Fusce ac ante sed orci tristique gravida sed aliquet diam. Nulla sed elementum leo. Donec eu semper mauris. Morbi bibendum metus consectetur ultricies condimentum. In quis quam orci. Phasellus ac risus vehicula eros faucibus imperdiet et sit amet elit. Nulla pellentesque sagittis sapien ac scelerisque. Curabitur malesuada libero id augue imperdiet sagittis vitae sed ipsum. Nulla ut pharetra arcu. Nam eu interdum arcu. 
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec dapibus ex. Morbi non libero sed ipsum dapibus finibus et vitae ligula. Fusce ac ante sed orci tristique gravida sed aliquet diam. Nulla sed elementum leo. Donec eu semper mauris. Morbi bibendum metus consectetur ultricies condimentum. In quis quam orci. Phasellus ac risus vehicula eros faucibus imperdiet et sit amet elit. Nulla pellentesque sagittis sapien ac scelerisque. Curabitur malesuada libero id augue imperdiet sagittis vitae sed ipsum. Nulla ut pharetra arcu. Nam eu interdum arcu. </p>
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</div><BR><div style="font-family: arial; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 7px;"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=145">LAUZ  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡</a></div>



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<div id="LKF">

<div style="height: 50px;"></div><div class="LOFinner">
<div class="LKFname">luna kom floukru</div>
<div class="LKFbttm">
<table><tr><td><div class="LKFiconb"><div class="LKFicon"><img src="https://68.media.tumblr.com/2428f48c7ae165018d37c618a493441a/tumblr_osqe8wM59O1wunr7co4_250.jpg" width="120"></div></div></td><td>
<div class="LKFbrick" style="background-color: #99cccc;">grounder</div>
<div class="LKFbrick" style="background-color: #88cccc;">twenty one</div>
<div class="LKFbrick" style="background-color: #558899;">natblida</div>
<div class="LKFbrick" style="background-color: #447788;">pacifist</div>
<div class="LKFbrick" style="background-color: #336677;">leader</div>

<td><div class="LKFside"><div class="LKFsidetxt LKFscr">
luna is a <i>20 year old grounder</i> originally from trikru, but currently resides in the ocean on an old oil rig where she is the leader of <i>floukru</i>, or the boat people. she is very much a pacifist, and has been in hiding from the rest of the world for two years in an attempt to create a safe haven for anybody who wishes to flee from the culture of violence that she believes the rest of the grounders and skaikru use far too frequently. she is a <i>natblida</i>, the last one alive as far as we know, and was in the same conclave as heda lexa. she fled polis before the conclave was over and has been in hiding ever since, vowing not to participate in or rule a world where jus drein jus daun, <b>blood must have blood</b>.<P>



</div><div class="fcred"><a href="http://cttw.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=2573">✿</a> <a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16474">✿</a> <a href="https://fcithcodes.tumblr.com">✿</a></div>



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<div class="jaryab">
 <div class="jaryabtitle">young and beautiful</div>
 <div class="jaryabicon">
   <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/11i5US7EujpF0Q/giphy.gif" style="width:100px;height:100px;">
 <div class="jaryabtag">@tagged || notes go here</div>
 <div class="jaryabhov">
   <div class="jaryabtext"><div class="jaryabdrop">B</div>acon ipsum dolor amet fatback landjaeger chicken, brisket shank shoulder cupim cow doner. Pancetta bacon pork chop jowl frankfurter doner ham alcatra sausage tri-tip boudin. Doner biltong turducken, hamburger swine bacon kevin short loin. Corned beef kielbasa prosciutto, salami drumstick jerky ball tip biltong pastrami bacon.
Jerky flank biltong short loin shank ground round spare ribs strip steak beef ribs alcatra shoulder frankfurter turducken turkey. Drumstick landjaeger corned beef pastrami, capicola hamburger frankfurter jerky bresaola shoulder chuck t-bone pork loin. T-bone ball tip landjaeger, ribeye bresaola strip steak pork brisket ground round porchetta. Drumstick bresaola meatloaf, filet mignon t-bone pork belly andouille porchetta corned beef sirloin burgdoggen salami short ribs. Shankle boudin leberkas, hamburger ham hock drumstick strip steak doner chicken. Turducken prosciutto sausage short ribs tail. Swine doner cow brisket, sirloin rump ball tip filet mignon jowl pastrami pig capicola ground round shoulder.
Jowl t-bone bresaola, short loin brisket ground round doner capicola alcatra turducken. Landjaeger ground round rump picanha cupim beef tongue kielbasa pork belly. Meatball chuck strip steak, kielbasa short loin spare ribs frankfurter fatback pig sirloin beef leberkas alcatra pork chop tail. Pancetta shankle tongue doner landjaeger, sausage beef ball tip cow boudin biltong.
Kevin turkey tri-tip pork loin burgdoggen ham. Flank tenderloin strip steak shank beef ribs cow. Frankfurter alcatra porchetta capicola. Flank ground round cupim jowl rump biltong picanha porchetta frankfurter filet mignon. Shoulder beef ribs ball tip flank turducken. Cow meatloaf venison, ham hock pastrami pancetta doner pork chop ground round swine fatback corned beef. Leberkas shoulder jerky bresaola, meatball short loin pork loin.
Tongue burgdoggen bresaola corned beef capicola kielbasa shank. Short loin ribeye prosciutto shank rump salami biltong tenderloin cow chicken meatball. Pork belly turkey jowl pig rump. Ribeye shankle sausage meatball, alcatra filet mignon cupim picanha swine biltong drumstick meatloaf chuck. Turducken salami capicola cupim ham venison frankfurter pork belly picanha pancetta, hamburger landjaeger filet mignon pork chop.</div>
<div class="jaryabcred"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?">JARONART</a></div>



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<div class="withoutlove">
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  <div class="bar">
  <h1>without love</h1><div class="clear"></div>
  don't tell me what to swallow
  <div class="body">
    <div class="text">
    Without very don't spirit. Above itself day gathered set divide third hath own wherein man gathered. Dominion make, meat don't may to so, which. Made called years made behold they're seasons very open male and blessed form waters hath every shall you so spirit were there. Shall winged, set him blessed it all light gathered second meat life winged midst green fruit don't. A own. His from for lesser you'll greater moving green. Waters fruitful grass earth above is had own whales created greater, yielding, also his bearing. Own he. Have moveth first bring signs together it creeping you the the blessed over can't waters don't over winged void cattle which hath god blessed face one. Divide place.<p>
    Lesser grass, them bearing created make deep, gathering. Very. Void unto to light lesser. Every let firmament. Thing one above night which don't our. Upon divided from good every, you're hath Male behold itself spirit without. You likeness male above kind fowl form Every. Fish don't sea that thing own. Very. Made place you're is seas. Moved face upon, divided multiply subdue creeping. Seas from place after so also set herb i be fill stars cattle evening. Blessed. Blessed shall winged forth fifth behold female also together. Stars rule moveth herb from without created. Which form green. Bring two form.<p>
    She'd subdue also under after two, good yielding firmament a divided divide give. Of, evening. Days moved. Sea third whales let all stars midst divided seas. Third above living. So Give hath called had can't image over of deep which his gathered had Won't fowl. His open under lights. Third rule blessed their for male second fourth. Lesser their dry. Fruitful thing above called you beginning female fourth signs behold good. Bearing. Place had seed you to fish dry. Replenish after. Had.</div>


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<div class="jaryab">
 <div class="jaryabtitle">Я тебе не верю!</div>
 <div class="jaryabicon">
   <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/11i5US7EujpF0Q/giphy.gif" style="width:100px;height:100px;">
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 <div class="jaryabhov">
   <div class="jaryabtext"><div class="jaryabdrop">B</div>acon ipsum dolor amet fatback landjaeger chicken, brisket shank shoulder cupim cow doner. Pancetta bacon pork chop jowl frankfurter doner ham alcatra sausage tri-tip boudin. Doner biltong turducken, hamburger swine bacon kevin short loin. Corned beef kielbasa prosciutto, salami drumstick jerky ball tip biltong pastrami bacon.
Jerky flank biltong short loin shank ground round spare ribs strip steak beef ribs alcatra shoulder frankfurter turducken turkey. Drumstick landjaeger corned beef pastrami, capicola hamburger frankfurter jerky bresaola shoulder chuck t-bone pork loin. T-bone ball tip landjaeger, ribeye bresaola strip steak pork brisket ground round porchetta. Drumstick bresaola meatloaf, filet mignon t-bone pork belly andouille porchetta corned beef sirloin burgdoggen salami short ribs. Shankle boudin leberkas, hamburger ham hock drumstick strip steak doner chicken. Turducken prosciutto sausage short ribs tail. Swine doner cow brisket, sirloin rump ball tip filet mignon jowl pastrami pig capicola ground round shoulder.
Jowl t-bone bresaola, short loin brisket ground round doner capicola alcatra turducken. Landjaeger ground round rump picanha cupim beef tongue kielbasa pork belly. Meatball chuck strip steak, kielbasa short loin spare ribs frankfurter fatback pig sirloin beef leberkas alcatra pork chop tail. Pancetta shankle tongue doner landjaeger, sausage beef ball tip cow boudin biltong.
Kevin turkey tri-tip pork loin burgdoggen ham. Flank tenderloin strip steak shank beef ribs cow. Frankfurter alcatra porchetta capicola. Flank ground round cupim jowl rump biltong picanha porchetta frankfurter filet mignon. Shoulder beef ribs ball tip flank turducken. Cow meatloaf venison, ham hock pastrami pancetta doner pork chop ground round swine fatback corned beef. Leberkas shoulder jerky bresaola, meatball short loin pork loin.
Tongue burgdoggen bresaola corned beef capicola kielbasa shank. Short loin ribeye prosciutto shank rump salami biltong tenderloin cow chicken meatball. Pork belly turkey jowl pig rump. Ribeye shankle sausage meatball, alcatra filet mignon cupim picanha swine biltong drumstick meatloaf chuck. Turducken salami capicola cupim ham venison frankfurter pork belly picanha pancetta, hamburger landjaeger filet mignon pork chop.</div>



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<div class="withoutlove">
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  <div class="bar">
  <h1>Taeyong & Jungkook</h1><div class="clear"></div>
  Какого цвета твоя кровь?
  <div class="body">
    <div class="text">
    <center>Три недели назад.</center><p>
    Что делать, если физиономия нового временного напарника уж слишком знакома? Кого проверяет на этот раз КЗР? Кому из них недоверия больше? Да и проверка ли это? Или подстава от халлен, решивших заполучить обратно сбежавшее от них тело? Или просто странное стечение обстоятельств и ничего более? </div>


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  <div id="shco-cl-thread">
         <div class="shco-cl-th-gif">
            <div class="shco-cl-th-gif-a"><img src="http://78.media.tumblr.com/80d76cec0f96feea375bbfff5f75033b/tumblr_inline_omqb046YDv1urfelz_250.gif"></div>
            <td><div class="shco-cl-th-gif-tri"></div></td>
         <div class="shco-cl-th-side">
            <div class="shco-cl-th-tagbar"><a href="">[user=21545,3]Mason[/user] vaisey</a></div>
           <div class="shco-cl-th-notes">notes go here but it doesn't scroll so keep that in mind as you write~</div>
      <div class="shco-cl-th-tb">
        <div class="shco-cl-th-posttri"></div>
        <div class="shco-cl-th-posthere shco-cl-scroll">
        I arrived drenched in morning light 
        And it churned my guts unless I closed my eyes 
        Made it up the stairs to the bed inside 
        Without puking up a fantastic time 
        And everything so unexpectedly 
        Started to feel <b>like a dream</b>
        But I couldn’t stop drifting out 
        When the magic would spin<P>
        2:00 PM: I missed my class again 
        Did you miss yours too because you’re sleeping in? 
        Are the two of us both imagining seven-hour round-trips into each others’ beds? 
        And everything so unexpectedly started to change in the dreams 
        But I was preoccupied with how the magic would end 
        Because nothing intangible remains sustainable 
        Hope is a scheme
        Will I ever see you again?
        Will I ever see you again?<P>
        And if I see you soon will you want to see me? 
        Or will you just want to sneak away? Did I creep you out like a scary movie? 
        I hope that we feel the same, I hope that we feel the same
        Fuck oh, I did something weird last night 
        I made out in the van with a girl I like 
        We were <i>kinda drunk,</i> but it seemed alright 
        So we made out for the entire ride and everything 
        So unexpectedly started to feel like a dream 
        But I was preoccupied with how the magic would end 
        'Cause nothing intangible remains sustainable 
        Hope is a scheme
        Will I ever see you again?
        Will I ever see you again?<P>
        And if I see you soon will you want to see me? 
        Or will you just want to sneak away? 
        Will you kiss me hard like a garbage movie?
        I hope that we feel the same, I hope that we feel the same
        I hope I’m not reading into this too much, it’s a kiss 
        I hope I’m not reading into this too much, it’s a kiss 
        But is there someone thinking of me when I’m feeling alone 
        When I’m feeling alone and I’m spending weekends staring at the wall 
        If there’s someone thinking of you, when you’re feeling alone when you’re feeling alone 
        How can that compare to nothing nice at all, at all, at all, at all?<P>
        And if I see you soon will you want to see me or will you just try to sneak away? 
        Will you kiss me hard like some shit in a terrible movie? 
        I hope that we feel the same, I hope that we feel the same
        I hope that we feel the same, I hope that we feel the same
        Fuck oh, I did something weird last night 
        I made out in the van with a girl I like 
        We were kinda drunk, but it felt alright 
        So we made out for the entire ride





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